2014年6月15日 星期日




126. (p.176)也許是因為咖啡沒有像茶一樣大的利潤空間,所以似乎也就不會貨源充足。
原文是:perhaps because there was not the seemingly endless supply of coffee that promised a large profit to merchants in the way tea did.

127. (p.177)巧克力生產工藝的下一個改革則是把牛油、巧克力和糖放在一起,做成固體的巧克力。
原文是:The next evolutionary phase in chocolate's history was the combination of cocoa butter with chocolate liquor and sugar to produce eating chocolate

128. (p.177)盛讚茶是「濃淡相宜」的飲料。
原文是:Agnes Strickland extolled the virtues of a drink that was a 'counter-charm to the habits of intoxication'.

129. (p.164)(p.178)家庭養豬,使用富有營養的啤酒渣既可做到廢物利用,也可肥豬,一舉兩得;如果飼之茶渣,那倒是可使懶豬晝夜不眠,長肉的事就別提了。
原文是:a family of pigs could be raised on the nourishing waste from domestic beer production, while the only thing ever successfully raised on tea was sleepless night.

130. (p.167) (p.182)中國人以壺燒水沖茶,等到水變得溫熱時茶香也就出來了,喝時再把茶水倒入有柄的小杯。
原文是:In China, tea was brewed in the kettle and drunk only a few degrees above blood temperature when it is at its most flavoursome, removing the need for a cup with a handle.

131. (p.169)(p.185) 酒店會雇用一些年輕姑娘,讓有些年齡較大而沒有舞伴的人不至於空度光陰。
原文是:Considered a waste of time by older people, tea dances offer an opportunity for the newly independent young career girl to meet friends.

132. (p.172)(p.189)人們認識罌粟時並不了解它的性質。
原文是:It is not known when the properties of the opium poppy were first discovered.

133. (p.174)(p.190)可提煉出純嗎啡(即海洛因),
原文是:Before it is processed into purer morphine or heroin,

134. (p.176)(p.192) 這種藥的成分有鴉片、蒂巴因和橘汁,帶一點兒金黃色。
原文是:It contained opium, thebaicum, citrus juice and a trace of gold.

135. (p.178)(p.195)十七世紀七0年代,船運獲利百分之四百,非同尋常。
原文是:(a 400 per cent profit on shipments was not unusual in the 1670s).

136. (p.180)(p.197)政府規定,外國人不許從城門進出,外國的貿易站只能擠在臨河的狹窄地帶。
原文是:(the city gates remained shut to foreigners, while the factories had to squeeze into a narrow strip of land by the river)

137. (p.185)(p.203)英國對中國的要求之一就是允許他們在廣州與中國商人合作,進行特許經營,即所謂的「廣州體系」。由英方定價定量,再由當地商人為他們經營鴉片買賣,各級官員無權過問。
原文是:One of the demands China made for allowing trade in Canton was that a select number of businessmen, supervised by an Imperial Commissioner of Customs (known as the Hoppo to the Bristish) was given a strict monopoly on trade. This was known as 'The Canton System' and it allowed and guild of businessmen, called the Hong merchants, to fix prices and the volume of trade as they saw fit. There was no recourse to people higher up in the chain of command, such as the mandarins of Canton or the governor of the province.

138. (p.186)(p.204)每箱鴉片價格從一七九九年的四百一十五兩漲到一八一四年的兩千四百二十八兩
原文是:the price per chest of opium went from 415 rupees in 1799 to 2,428 rupees in 1814

139. (p.187)(p.206)帕默斯頓之所以挑中他,乃是因為覺得任用此人既可減輕政府壓力,也利於表現英國的強硬態度。
原文是:It appears that he was selected by Palmerston because it was felt that he would be able to withstand the pressure of the posting and to present Britain's case forcefully.

140. (p.206)發著高燒的納皮爾只得聽從醫生勸告(傳說如此),返回澳門養病。
原文是:Now suffering from fever, Napier was advised by his doctor (and to everyone's relief) to return to Macao for the good of his health.

141. (p.207)英國政府對西班牙、葡萄牙進入這裡的意圖心知肚明,認為這樣將會影響澳門形勢,
原文是:Napoleon has shown his intent to bring Spain and Portugal into empire and the British Government, aware of how this might destabilize Macao,

142. (p.207)這次事件已對中國人挑明,外界對他們虎視眈眈,閉關自守再也不能維持國家安寧了。
原文是:how occurrences on the other side of the world could have ramifications for their own country.

143. (p.208)毒品猖獗,士兵、市民吸食鴉片成風,以致貪污受賄公行,倫理道德淪喪。由有甚者,連身為一國之君的皇帝本人都沈溺毒品,每天騰雲駕霧尋歡作樂。皇帝的精神領袖意思更勝於一國之主,他對鴉片毒害一籌莫展,就已經是清王朝自身的威脅,他勢必採取作為以挽危局。
原文是:It was rampant among Chinese soldiers and the civil service leading to widespread corruption and low morale. China's social structure laid emphasis on moral obligation and responsibility to the family, community and ultimately the emperor himself, the acknowledged mediator between nature and human society. In this role the emperor was more akin to a spiritual leader than simply a head of state, and his perceived inability to combat the destruction wrought by opium addition could be seen as a threat to the status of the Qing themselves. Something had to be seen to be done.

144. (p.208)嚴厲的懲罰並不成功,因為懲罰僅只是提高了走私者的行賄費用而已。
原文是:Harsh punishments had not succeeded because the importer was not going to be punished himself, rather he would just have to raise the level of bribery. Besides, if a smuggler knew that capture meant the death penalty he would risk everything, including his life, not to be caught -- what more did he have to lose?

At the start of the conflict operations were confined to the Canton River environs, but after the capture of the strategic island of Hong Kong Bremer turned the fleet northward. His intention was to intimidate the emperor into submission through a dramatic display of British firepower. Wusong, Shanghai and Zhenjiang were shelled and captured by landing forces during June and July 1842. The British suffered severe losses during the campaign from sunstroke, malaria, dysentery and cholera. Of the 34 men who died during the capture of Zhenjiang, 16 perished from heat exhaustion.
戰爭一開始時局限在珠江周圍,但就在伯麥拿下香港之後,他便率領艦隊北上,企圖藉著展示英國的火力來恫嚇皇帝就範。1842年7月期間,吳淞、上海、鎮江相繼失守。許多英國士兵在戰爭中死於中暑、瘧疾、痢疾和霍亂。 舉例說,在攻打鎮江時,英軍有34人死亡,其中16人因中暑而喪生

145. (p.196) (p.215)又有十多個港口被迫向外國開放。
原文是:Ten more ports were opened to foreigners ...

146. (p.198)(p.217)鴉片不是藥,卻可以防病治病....
原文是:no medicine of the value of this opium, either in regard to the number of diseases it can  control, or its efficiency in extirpating them...

147. (p.200)(p.219)一八三0年時,倫敦供消遣和藥物使用的鴉片消耗量持續增加,土耳其和印度的鴉片進口以每年一萬公斤的速度增長。
原文是:By 1830 recreational and medicinal consumption of opium in Britain was still on the increase and 22,000 lb (10,000 kg) per year were being imported from Turkey and India.

148. (p.204)(p.225)最具諷刺意味的是,瘧疾原本並沒有給美洲大陸帶來太多的痛苦,而隨著歐洲移民的到來,它簡直變成了接踵而至的災難。
原文是:It is supremely ironic that the continent from which the natural treatment for malaria first came was not afflicted with the disease until European settlers introduced it.

149. (p.205)(p.227)不過,傳教士們也發現,即便是金雞納樹皮,也有很大的區別。秘魯土著所咀嚼的那種味苦的金雞納樹皮才有治病作用。
原文是:It is possible that the missionaries may have come upon the bark independently, however, for one of their methods of discovering new medicines was to chew the bark of different trees. Chinchona bark is bitter and was therefore considered to have medicinal qualities.

150. (p.227)非常有趣的是,儘管也是土生土長於新大陸,瑪雅文明--即阿茲特克人的文化裡,卻毫無瘧疾的蹤影。
原文是:It is interesting to note that there are no references to malaria in the Mayan or Aztec civilizations, although the Anopheles mosquito is indigenous to the New World.
(筆者按:這個錯誤真的是不可原諒,瑪雅跟阿茲特克不是同一個文明,即便譯者對於中南美洲的古文明沒有興趣,原文明明說的是「Mayan or Aztec civilizations」啊!)

151. (p.228)此時的醫藥研究仍處於西元二世紀的水準,可說是毫無任何理論基礎,放血療法成了兒戲,處處濫用。
原文是:At this time, the profession was still in the thrall of Galen's dictum laid down in the 2nd century AD, which strongly promoted bleeding as a way to expel corrupt humours.

152. (p.229)十八世紀八0年代,這種樹皮的零售價大約是五百克一英鎊,患一次病要用掉大約四點四公斤的樹皮,病癒後,還要連續一週,每天服用五百克,以防復發。
原文的「五百克」是 a pound。一磅是0.454公斤,不是五百克。

153. (p.229)這種情況一直維持到歐洲把自己的觸角伸向世界各地為止。
原文是:This remained the case as Europe continued to expand its political dominance over other parts of the world.

154. (p.209)(p.230)奎寧為白色晶體狀的植物鹼,分子結構是C2OH24N2O2。味苦,加水後發出特殊香味。奎寧水含量通常是千分之零點零一至零點零三。
原文是:Quinine is a white crystalline alkaloid with the formula C20H24N2O2. It has a bitter taste, which is what gives tonic water its distinctive flavour (tonic water usually contain around 100 to 300 parts per million quinine).
所以應該是:奎寧為白色晶體狀的植物鹼,分子結構是C20H24N2O2。味苦,這也就是為何通寧水(tonic water)帶有苦味。通寧水中奎寧含量通常是一百到三百ppm

155. (p.210)(p.231)製藥業用去了幾乎佔半數的天然奎寧,
原文是:Nearly half of the natural quinine produced enters the food industry.

156. (p.211)(p.232)一八七八年至一八七九年間英國也是唉聲連連,葬禮頻仍,不是戰鬥流血犧牲,而是軍隊因為缺少奎寧致使屍橫遍野。
原文是:and the British occupation of Cypress in 1878-79 cost many lives, not through bloodshed, but because quinine was not issued to the troops.

157. (p.212)(p.233)美國國內戰爭期間聯邦軍隊遭瘧疾重創,
原文是:During the American Civil War (1861-65) malaria hit the Union Army hard,
「the American Civil War」是南北戰爭...

158. (p.213)(p.235)尼爾森的尋獵範圍是塔斯馬尼亞島和包括夏威夷群島在內的太平洋群島。一七八九年,他還來不及返鄉去領微薄的賞金,就因高燒不退,死在帝汶島。
原文是:David Nelson collected in Tasmania and the Pacific islands, including Hawaii, before joining the infamous Bounty voyage, and dying of fever in Timor in 1789.
筆者按:「the infamous Bounty voyage」指得是發生在1789年在恩澤號(H.M.S.Bounty)的船員叛變事件,當時尼爾森原本是受船長的聘請,去尋找麵包樹(breadfruit tree);當船上發生叛變事件時,尼爾森因為效忠船長,連同其他十八名船員一起被丟棄在大海中。尼爾森抵達了帝汶(Timor),但在抵達不久後因感冒而去世(資料來源:維基百科David Nelson)。發生在「恩澤號」上面的事件,後來被改編成電影「叛艦喋血記」(Mutiny on the Bounty)。
所以應該是:尼爾森的尋獵範圍是塔斯馬尼亞島和包括夏威夷群島在內的太平洋群島。一七八九年,他參加了惡名昭彰的「恩澤號」(the Bounty voyage)航行,後來因高燒不退,死在帝汶島

159. 如果僅是砍斷金雞納樹的樹枝,它會自然再生。
原文是:if a cinchona tree is cut to the ground, it will naturally regenerate and send up shoots.

160. (p.237)這項研究弄清楚了金雞納樹瀕臨死亡的情況和時間。一八八0年,安第斯山脈各共和國出口金雞納樹皮九十點七二萬公斤,
原文是:It also explains how, when the tree was considered to be on the verge of extinction, the Andean Republics managed to export 2,000,000 lb (907,200kg) of bark in 1860

161. (p.241)獲取植物的方式也有賄賂和「強烈的宗教色彩」之嫌,引得當地人極為不滿。
原文是:but also his way of acquiring live plants involved bribery and 'strong persuasion', and led to local resentment.

162. (p.242)一八五九年,當一直在歐洲採集植物的斯普魯斯...
原文是:However, in 1859, Spruce, who was botanizing in Ecuador,

163. (p.242)他雖然活了七十五歲,卻總是懶洋洋、病懨懨的樣子。
原文是:He did in fact suffer many real illness and eventually lost the use of his legs, although he survived to the age of 75.

164. (p.242)他曾告訴胡克說他對目前的工作十分滿意,因為「不被限制,比當教師的約束少,還可以研究喜愛的植物」。
原文是:had had communication with Hooker and had pleaded with him for a position that offer 'less confinement and more exertion of the lungs that his late engagement and affording botanical pursuits'.

165. (p.224)(p.247)弗洛雷斯曾被驅逐十五年,當時正積極籌畫反政府活動。
原文是:Flores had been ousted 15 years previously and was now an active counter revolutionary.

166. (p.225) (p.249)再由沃德安負責把這批植物送往印度尼爾吉里丘陵種植,
原文是:before being dispatch by Wardian case to their new home in the Indian Nilgiri Hills,
筆者按:Wardian case在前面(p.153)(p.166)有提到,是專門用來運送植物的箱子。相關參考資料請見維基百科

167. (p.226)(p.249)荷蘭人在爪哇島重的金雞納樹奎寧產量也不高。
原文是:And neither species yielded the high levels of quinine achieved by the trees grown by the Dutch in Java.

168. (p.229)(p.254)當時的醫學界對他的發現反應平平。
原文是:the medical community of the time rejected Laveran's claim.

169. (p.254)希波克拉提斯就曾說過,西元前三二三年亞歷山大大帝就是因此種病喪命。羅馬也曾遭瘧疾肆虐,天主教大教堂因此不得已才遷至亞維農的梵蒂崗;從一三0九年起,有六十八年的時間法國被瘧疾搞得民不聊生。
原文是:Hippocrates mentions it some 2,500 years ago, and it killed Alexander the Great in 323 BC. Rome was so badly hit by malaria that the Catholic Church fled the Vatican for Avignon, France, for 68 years from 1309.

170. (p.254)這裡的居民有百分之九十患過該病,全球因瘧疾死亡人數的百分之八十到百分之九十發生在這個地區。
原文是:where 90 per cent of the world's infected population live and 80 per cent to 90 per cent of global malaria deaths occur.

171. (p.232)(p.256)這時全世界百分之九十七的金雞納已由爪哇供給,孟加拉和馬德拉斯的供給量僅佔百分之二十五。
原文是:97 per cent of the world's supplies were by then concentrated in Java, with Bengal and Madras supplying only 2.5 per cent.

172. (p.257)在短時間裡,此舉確保了非洲殖民地的奎寧供給充足,如建立僅有五十年的奈及利亞殖民地,以前根本不可能用上奎寧;這看起來確實有點像天方夜譚。
原文是:It seems unlikely that colonies such as Nigeria, for example, which were established in the short space of 50 years, could have been secured had not quinine been available.

173. (p.257)明顯的是,一八五四年的一次類似探查時,當時已經有了奎寧--
原文是:It is interesting to note that it was during a similar trip of 1854 that the prophylactic properties of quinine were established --

174. (p.234)(p.259)在後來的整個世紀裡,人們一直在尋找這種藥的合成代用品,卻有一連串的意外發現:一八三四年,帕金發現奎林和苯胺紫。
原文是:Throughout the last century, however, there was a search for synthetic form of the drug, a search that inadvertently yielded many important dye stuffs such as quinoline and mauveline, discovered in 1834 by W.H. Perkin.
筆者按:本書是2002年出版,所以「last century」應為二十世紀。

175. (p.259)其化學結構稍有變動,仍以氯奎為名。
原文是:its composition slightly changed, it was renamed chloroquine.

176. (p.259)這些措施卻導致了瘧蚊和瘧原蟲的抗藥性增強,致使世界人口的瘧疾發病率從二十世紀六0年代初期的百分之十升至二十世紀七0年代的百分之四十。
原文是:However, all that was achieved was to create populations of mosquito resistance to pesticides and chloroquine-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum. So whereas in the early 1960s only 10 per cent of the world's population was at risk of contracting malaria, by the early 1970s the figure had risen to 40 per cent.

177. (p.260)醫學沒有降服瘧疾,抗藥性和副作用卻使奎寧助紂為虐。
原文是:Malaria continues to be a huge challenge to medical science, and quinine as a treatment is making a comeback.

178. 而是定價賣給馬德拉斯、吉隆坡、孟買
原文是:but sold at a cost to the Government Medical Department of Madras, Colombo and Bombay.

179. (p.252)一八五七年印度民族起義發生前,
原文是:In the years after the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857,
筆者按:Sepoy Rebellion不是印度民族起義。在印度,它被稱為第一次獨立戰爭。
所以應該是: 一八五七年印度第一次獨立戰爭發生前,

原文是:tyres, fan belts, rubber bands, erasers...

原文是:at the court of the Aztec Emperor Montezuma II,

原文是:In Scotland at the same time Charles Macintosh had discovered a way of using rubber as a waterproofing material by dissolving it in coal tar naphth,

原文是:Harvesting rubber in the Amazon stops during the rainy season between January and June.

183. (p.270)以半環繞的方式割出一條大約零點八公分的螺旋形切口...
原文是:which involves cutting spiral-shaped grooves to the depth of about 1/4 in (0.8 cm) into the bark half way round the tree

184. (p.270)原始的生膠製作是用棍子沾膠成球,再用小火烤熱取下,這種方式可以防止生膠凝固,並依人們需要凝結成球形。
原文是:Originally the latex was turned into rubber by pouring it onto a ball of rubber attached to a stick and placing it over an oily, damp fire. The smoke ensured that mould and fermentation were prevented as the latex coagulated.

185. (p.270)這時期,第一批以人工種植的橡膠樹已高達五公尺,可每隔一天採膠一次。生膠送到工廠裡除去雜質,加入水和少量的蟻酸防止凝固,
原文是:Each tree is planted about 16 ft (5 m) apart and is tapped every other day. The latex is sieved at the factory to remove large particles, and mixed with water and a small amount of formic acid to produce a uniform material as it coagulates.

186. (p.271)橡膠業第一次顯露頭角是十九世紀五0年代,巴西對外開放亞馬遜河三角洲時,硫化工藝發明。

187. (p.271)這期間,巴西開始與外國人聯合做生意,擁有外資的亞馬遜河航海公司應時成立。橡膠增產使橡膠製品氾濫,生膠賣不出去,價格狂降。大公司尚可應付這種局面:他們把生膠收購,在買賣中呼風喚雨,膠工們辛苦一場卻是負債累累。
原文是:Ventures such as the Amazon Steam Navigation Company, which combined local Brazilian businessmen and foreign capital, were formed. The increase in rubber production results in goods having to be imported and tappers running up exorbitant debts to the merchants who bought their hard-earned rubber at low prices. This bondage was tacitly excepted by the large commercial companies who obtained their rubber from the merchants in the small market towns.

188. (p.247)(p.274)從雨林裡求得自己的衣食飯碗,卻不願意傷害雨林。
原文是:exploiting the resources of the Amazon in a form of sustainable farming that does no harm to the ecosystem.

189. (p.171)(p.275)不久,胡克得到報告說,有封信已送達貝倫。
原文是:Soon afterwards Hooker received a reply to the letter sent to Belem.

190. (p.249)(p.276)貝倫的領事格林對這個建議沒有異議,
原文是:The consul at Belem, Thomas Green, was suitably unimpressed with the suggestion...
所以應該是: 貝倫的領事格林不喜歡這個建議

191. (p.253)(p.279)儘管這批樹種是運往英國的學術機構,但如此大量本身就足證是出於商業目的,而非學術之用。
原文是:Although the quantity involved in the seed transfers indicated an economic rather than an educational purpose, they were destined for an educational establishment.

192. (p.256)(p.284)霹靂州的橡膠樹已經漫山遍野,最先種植橡膠樹的赫斯婁普山區還在沿咖啡園的路邊全部種上了橡膠樹,十分便於監測橡膠樹生長情況。
原文是:Seedlings were dispersed around Perak and one pioneer planter, Heslop Hill, placed tree along the roadside of coffee plantations so that their progress could be easily monitored.
筆者按:Heslop Hill是人名,不是一座山。

193. (p.257)(p.285)在錫蘭任職期間,他認真研究了採膠技術,一年後他去到新加坡,
原文是:He had witnessed the tapping techniques employed in Ceylon and a year after his arrival in Singapore,

194. (p.258)(p.285)里德雷才華橫溢,精力充沛,把自己的滿腔熱情都獻給了橡膠樹栽培。
原文是:Ridley's energy was boundless, and he promoted rubber zealously.

195. (p.291)一八七九年更通過一項法令,任何人不得謊報、隱匿土地,一經查出即刻沒收。不久,退出礦山經營的小礦主們得到了英方許諾的土地,經營起了農場。
原文是:In 1879 a regulation was passed decreeing that no land should lie dormant if there was anybody willing to work it. Soon private concessions on mining were granted and plantations began appearing.

196. (p.292)一八九七年,封建的馬來政府同意允許永久性出租土地種植橡膠樹,
原文是:In 1897 the Federated Malay States Government granted land on a perpetual lease for rubber growing..

原文是:which levied harsh punishments on those participants who reneged on the terms of the contract or incurred debts.

198. (p.264)(p.293)家庭成員是主要的勞動力,只在播種和收割時才雇用少數工人,因而可以節省開支。
原文是:The land was worked by members of the family, so the only outlay was for the seeds and the rent of the land.

199. (p.266)(p.295)隨著汽車變得越來越普及,在克萊蒙費朗的德斯坦工廠造出的輪胎更是有利於汽車靈活地轉向、倒退;一九二七年時,這裡雇用的工人已達一千五百八十八人。
原文是:As cars became more and more popular, test tracks for forward and reverse car manouevres were created at the Estaing factory in Clermont-Ferrand, which by 1927 was employing 1,588 people.

200. (p.296)此舉帶動當日股市狂飆百分之五百至六百。
原文是:Later on in the day there were dealings in these much-coveted lottery tickets at 500 and 600 per cent premiums.

201. (p.296)關於橡膠的故事,最值得注意的是它深遠的影響,(這裡有一整段沒有翻譯)運輸業的發展大大地促進了植物的引種和世界經濟。橡膠業的另一個壯舉是滿足了消費者各方面的需要,由於東南亞農場的育苗、分芽繁殖能力是巴西無法做到的(東南亞農場在橡膠樹栽培技術方面的大力革新,擴大了橡膠樹的繁殖能力)。(畫線的部分是原文所沒有的)
原文是:The story of rubber is remarkable for its impact and its legacy. One of the most startling aspect is that the vast majority of the rubber used today can be traced back to a few seedlings that survived the journey from Brazil to southeast Asia, transforming the development of the crop and the international economy. The other feat of the rubber industry is its ability to meet the consumer demand, and this is due to the proliferation of plantations in southeast Asia. Within its natural limits of 40,000 tons of wild rubber per year, Brazil could never have produced enough.

202. (p.272)(p.300)印度獨立後,災難性的地界割劃導致種族騷亂,使五百多萬人喪生。
原文是:The disastrous Partition that followed Indian Independence resulted in racial violence that left over 500,000 dead,

203. (p.273)英帝國殖民體系的土崩瓦解,來自前殖民地的稅收銳減。
原文是:With the demise of the British empire came a corresponding decline in revenue from the former colonies.

原文是:Natural rubber is still used extensively, however, and there is now a cultivated rubber tree for every two human beings on the planet.





