2017年6月2日 星期五







The Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China is commonly known as Macau or Macao. It is on the western side of the Pearl River Delta in East Asia. Macau is bordered by the city of Zhuhai in Mainland China to the north and the Pearl River Estuary to the east and south. Hong Kong lies about 64 kilometres to its east across the Delta. With a population of 650,900 living in an area of 30.5 km2 , it is the most densely populated region in the world.

Macau is otherwise known in Chinese as Haojing (濠鏡, literally "Oyster Mirror") or Jinghai (鏡海, literally "Mirror Sea") because people found oysters here. The biggest ethnic group in Macau is Han Chinese (95.0%) and the second largest group is Portuguese (2.0%).

The history of Macau is traced back to the Qin dynasty. During 1553 (Ming Dynasty), Portuguese started to establish a colony there. Following the First Opium War (1839–42), the Qing and Portuguese governments signed the Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Peking on 1 December 1887, under which China ceded the right of "perpetual occupation and government of Macau by Portugal" in compliance with the statements of the Protocol of Lisbon. In return, Macau Government would cooperate with Hong Kong's smuggling trade in Indian opium and China would profit from imposing customs taxes. Portugal was also obliged "never to alienate Macau without previous agreement with China", therefore ensuring that negotiation between Portugal and France (regarding a possible exchange of Macau and Portuguese Guinea with the French Congo) or with other countries would not go forward – so that the British commercial interests would be secured; Macau officially became a territory under Portuguese administration.

Shortly after Portugal's 1974 Carnation Revolution, which overthrew the Estado Novo dictatorship, the new government determined it would relinquish all its overseas possessions. The Chinese and Portuguese governments commenced negotiations on the question of Macau in June 1986. The two signed the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration the next year, making Macau one of the special administrative regions of China.


Wikipedia. Macau.

2017年5月26日 星期五

關於大韓民國(South Korea)


大韓民國(Republic of Korea)俗稱南韓,人口約為5,144萬人,為台灣的2.2倍;國土面積約為十萬平方公里,為台灣的2.8倍。首都為首爾(Seoul),人口為1,029萬人,約為台北的3.8倍;面積為605.21平方公里,約為台北的2.2倍。




South Korea, officially known as Republic of Korea (ROK), constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.

Its total landmass is around one hundred thousand square kilometres, which is 2.8 times of Taiwan; the population is about 51.4 millions, which is about 2.2 time of Taiwan.

The capital of South Korea is Seoul (meaning "capital city"). Its land area is 605.21 square kilometres, which is 2.2 times of Taipei; the population is about 10.29 millions, which is 3.8 times of Taipei.

Similar to Taiwan, Korea was occupied by Japan (1910–45) after the First Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War. At the end of World War II, the Japanese surrendered to Soviet and U.S. forces who occupied the northern and southern halves of Korea, respectively. On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea. The Korean War continued till 1953. The 1953 armistice, never signed by South Korea, split the peninsula along the demilitarized zone near the original demarcation line. No peace treaty was ever signed, resulting in the two countries remaining technically at war.

In December 1997, Kim Dae-jung was elected as President. In June 2000, a North–South summit took place in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.  Later that year, Kim received the Nobel Peace Prize "for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular".


Wikipedia. South Korea.

2017年4月13日 星期四







2017年3月15日 星期三

關於馬來西亞 About Malaysia




馬來西亞的人口約為3,142萬人,約為台灣的1.3倍;國土面積為三十三萬平方公里,約為台灣的9.1倍。首都為吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur),人口為720萬人,約為台北的85%;面積為2243.27平方公里,約為台北的1.96倍。吉隆坡的馬來文意為泥濘的河口,應該是因為該城位於鵝麥河與巴生河的交匯處而來;至於中文名稱可能有部分是來自 Lumpur 的音譯。


馬來西亞有大約一半是馬來人(50.1%),第一大外來民族是華人(22.6%),原住民有11.8% ,印度人佔 6.7%。除了早期因經商等原因陸續來到馬來西亞的華人以外,有相當比例的華人是在十八世紀英國殖民時期來採錫礦,後來因為英國需要人力開墾土地、種植橡膠而留下來的。

宗教上馬來西亞有 61.3% 的人口為遜尼派的伊斯蘭教徒(Sunni Islam),伊斯蘭教也是馬來西亞的國教。第二大宗教是佛教,約佔 19.8% 。基督教佔 9.2% , 6.2% 為印度教。


Malaysia declared independence at August 31, 1957. Singapore was part of Malaysia at that time but was expelled at August 9, 1965. The land area is separated by the South China Sea into two similarly sized regions, Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia (Malaysian Borneo, including Sarawak and Sabah). Its total landmass is 330,803 square kilometres, which is 9.1 times of Taiwan; the population is about 31.4 millions, which is about 1.3 time of Taiwan.

The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur (meaning "muddy confluence"). Its land area is 2243.27 square kilometres, which is almost twice of Taipei; the population is about 7,200 thousands, which is 85 percent of Taipei.

About half of the population is Malay, and the second largest ethnic group is Chinese (22.6%). Indigenous group is around one tenth of the population (11.8%). Some of the Chinese came to Malaysia during Ming Dynasty for commerce and other reasons. More of the Chinese came during British Colonial Period for work.

Almost two-third of the population is Sunni Islam (61.3%), which is the official religion in Malaysia. About one-fifth of the population is Buddhism (19.8%). Christian is about one-tenth (9.2%).

The official language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia but you can speak English there.

Both Malaysia and Indonesia are located around the Equator.


Wikipedia. Malaysia.

Happykingdom. 馬來西亞憶往地名篇

2017年3月14日 星期二

關於印尼 About Indonesia






第一個要知道的是,印尼(正式名稱為印尼共和國)是一個很大的國家,國土面積一百九十萬平方公里(1,904,569 km2),約為台灣的52.6倍;人口有兩億五千五百萬人(255,461,700),約為台灣的10.9倍,國土由超過七千個島(官方統計是一萬三千四百六十六個島)組成。



宗教上來說,87.2% 的印尼人口信奉伊斯蘭教,9.9%信奉天主教或基督教,1.7%信奉印度教,0.7%信奉佛教。因此,印尼在人口上是全世界最大的伊斯蘭教國家。


As many of TCU students may notice, our school have many international students from Indonesia starting from 2015. Therefore, I am writing a very brief introductory article about Indonesia.

Indonesia (officially : Republic of Indonesia) is a very big country. The land area is about 1,904 thousand km2 (52.6 times of Taiwan) and the population is around 255 millions (10.9 times of Taiwan). It is consisted of more than 7,000 islands(official data is 13,466 islands).

According to 2010 census, the capital of Republic of Indonesia , Jakarta, has a population of more than 9,600 thousands, which is about 1.13 times of Taipei. The area of Jakarta is about 17,132 km2, which is about 63 times of Taipei.

The official language is Indonesian, but you can also speak Malay or English. In addition to those three languages, there are more than 700 local languages there.

Regarding to religion, 87.2% of population is Islam,9.9% Christianity,1.7% Hinduism,0.7% Buddhism. Populationwise, Indonesia is the largest Islamic country in the world.

Republic of Indonesia declared independence on August 17, 1945, two days after Japan surrendered UN.


Wikipedia: Indonesia.