51. (p.91)十七世紀後期起,美國人就一直大聲疾呼譴責罪惡的奴隸貿易,
原文是:From the late 17th century onwards the Quakers had vociferously denounces the slave trade,
52. (p.88) (p.93)十四世紀以來,因為阿拉伯醫生用糖來醫治胃痛、腹痛,
原文是:since the 14th century when Arab doctors used sugar to cure chest ailments.
53. (p.91)(p.96)甜菜是一種和蕪菁相似的塊根植物,很適合在氣候涼爽溫和的地區栽種;
原文是:The latter, a biennial root crop with a strong resemblance to a turnip, is suited to a temperate climate;
54. (p.94) (p.99)孕育於綠色植物的棉花綻放時潔白如雪,
原文是:Cotton's mass of white fibers, contained until maturity within the green fruit or boll,
55. (p.95) (p.99)一旦小羊筋疲力竭,就餓死變成白色的「羊毛」供人採摘。
原文是:Once this was exhausted the lamb starved to death, making the 'wool' accessible for easy harvest.
因為前面說:On the end of the plant stems were fixed Scythian lambs, which bent down to graze the grass within reach. 在植物的末端綁著小羊,牠們伏下身來啃食吃得到的綠草。
56. 遺傳學家認為,現在的野生棉和哥倫布時代栽培的美洲棉是種子漂浮過海傳播的結果...
原文是:Geneticists have established that the presence of wild and cultivated cotton in the pre-Columbian Americans is due to a very early flotation in seed across the oceans,
57. (p.101)種子表皮纖維細胞細長呈毛狀。
原文是:growing out from certain epidermal cells on the seed are the slender, hollow, single cell hairs.
58. (p.102)棉花的紡紗技術在工業革命前無實質性變革
原文是:Many of the techniques that convert cotton fibers into yarn have not changed significantly since the Industrial Revolution.
59. (p.102)在轟隆隆的機器聲中,悠揚飄然的棉花朵朵變成了紗,織成了布。
原文是:At the mill, the 'lint' or 'raw cotton' is ring spun. Fibres are mechanically raked to remove foreign matter. A picking machine wraps the fibres into a 'lap' and a carding machine brushes loose fibres into rows, which are then joined to create a soft sheet or 'web'. Finally, the webs are formed into an untwisted rope of 'card silver'. For higher quality yarns, the card silver is put through a combing machine, which removes unwanted short lengths. The silver is 'drawn' by a series of rollers to create firm, uniform strands of usable size. For thinner strands, the silver is pulled and slightly twisted, converting it to 'roving'. The roving is transferred to a spinning frame, where it is drawn further, twisted on a ring spinner, and wound on a bobbin as yarn.
60. (p.98) (p.103)外國產品無法輕易進入英國市場,但是,英國境內工藝的改造和新產品的推出並未受到阻止。
原文是:...there were stringent restrictions precluding foreigners from setting up in trades already established in Britain, but none preventing the establishment of new arts.
61. (p.104)紗的長度決定了布的品質和價錢,
原文是:The number of weft threads (woven across the width of the fabric) determines the quality and price of the cotton material,
62. (p.106)那時候,人們喜歡棉布更甚於羊毛製品。
原文是:...who until this time had no option other than wollen cloth.
63. (p.104)當時的幾個大名鼎鼎的英國貿易公司:俄國公司(一五五五年)、黎凡特公司(一五八一年)、維吉尼亞公司(一六0七年)與皇家非洲公司(一六六0年)都一樣,專門從事奴隸買賣。
原文是:There were several English Trading Companies, including Muscovy Company (1555), the Levant Company (1581), the Virginia Company (1607), which established Jamestown in Virginia (see page 23) and the Royal African Company (1660), integral to the slave trade (see page 52).
64. (p.105)波斯的絲綢買賣引起了東印度公司極大的興趣,它在印尼和印度之間以香料交換絲綢和棉花,尋找與中國、日本做生意的機會。
原文是:The Company was particularly attracted by the Persian silks trade, the Indonesia/India exchange of spices for silks and cottons, and the opportunities of China and Japan.
65. (p.105)很有意思的是,荷蘭人並不想在香料貿易上與英國人一直這樣一較高低,
原文是:Ironically, the Dutch policy backfired in some ways;
66. (p.105)從蘇特拉運出,是所有運往英國的便宜貨中最貴的。
原文是:which became Surat's most valuable export to Britain in the 17th century before suffering from cheap imports.
67. (p.102)(p.108)其中三分之二是由東印度公司經辦。
原文是:and accounted for two-thirds of the Company's imports.
68. (p.108)最初面臨的問題是它不能超過政府規定的經營範疇。於是它特地成立一個茶葉公司,
原文是:The original Company faced opposition to its monopoly and a rival Company was established.
69. (p.109)特里威廉‧查塔姆第一伯爵的祖父,皮特珠寶公司老闆湯瑪斯‧皮特就是一個經典例子,
原文是:G.M. Trevelyan cites the example of Thomas Pitt, grandfather of the 1st Earl of Chatham and owner of the Pitt diamond.
70. (p.104)(p.111)就好像新大陸奴隸們飄洋過海去按著菸草分額再領回自己的夥伴。
原文是:and the slaves themselves aboard ship were issued a tobacco ration to 'pacify' them.
71. (p.106)(p.112)武力控制印度並不是英國的初衷,英國的如意算盤是想以滲透的方法,以當地領袖和地方政府為傀儡。
原文是:Yet is was not primarily by military might that the British came to control India, but rather by a technique of infiltration and control using native chiefs and government.
72. (p.112)此舉使得全國譁然。
原文是:When the Company came into conflict with the British Government,
73. (p.112)這些法規看來是政府管制商人的規範,實際上卻是內閣為了控制東印度公司所訂:內閣委員會就是公司的顧問,公司主管就是領兵的將軍。
原文是:These established practical Cabinet control over the East India Company, whose Council took on a purely advisory rule to the Government-backed Governor-General.
74. (p.113)(這時的英國政府對公司採取放任管理)
原文是:(when the British Government assumed formal control)
75. (p.113)從某種程度來講,英國在十八世紀八0年代初期失去十三個北美殖民州這件事是有辱面子的,多少也算傷了大英帝國的感情,喬治三世因此打算退位好穩住陣腳,
原文是:In some ways the shock and national feeling of shame at the loss of the 13 American colonies in the early 1780s, which caused George III to contemplate abdication, served to firm British resolve.
76. (p.114)製造業和殖民擴張關係最為密切。
原文是:Colonial expansion went hand-in-glove with advances made in manufacturing industries,
77. (p.115)西印度群島、巴西、印度生產的原棉源源不斷地從黎凡特和敘利亞運來。
原文是:The raw cotton continued to come from established sources in the Levant and Syria, but was supplemented by imports from West Indies, Brazil and India.
78. (p.115)量少的手工織品相形見絀。
原文是:,not small amounts of handmade works of art.
原文是:, cotton manufacture could never have become of such great national importance unless a way to compete with the cheap, fine Indian calico imports could be found.
80. (p.116)最早的突破是「紡紗機」,一種把棉花紡成紗的機器,
原文是:The first breakthrough was a 'spinning frame', a machine that spun cotton fibres into many threads at once,
81. (p.110) (p.117)首先,原棉比其他紡織品的原料便宜很多,亞麻、絲、羊毛都比棉花價高,製成品利潤當然比棉製品的獲利高得多。
原文是:Firstly, the raw materials were far cheaper than other textiles, such as linen, silk or wool, and also the mark-up achieved from converting raw material to cloth was much higher.
82. (p.117)一七六五年,手工棉品的產量是二十二公斤,十年後增加到九十公斤,一七八四年時,手工布和機織布的產量更達七百二十五萬公斤。此時,棉織品已經全由機器生產。
原文是:In 1765 the weight of spun cotton, all by hand, was 500,000 lb (226,800 kg). In 10 years this has risen to 2,000,000 lb (907,200 kg), a mixture of hand woven and machine, and by 1784 it had reached 16,000,000 lb (7,257,600 kg), all machine spun.
83. (p.117)城市化腳步加快;同時,工人的生活水準下降,居住環境惡劣,衛生條件極差。
原文是:rapid urbanization prompted by the changing technology also created unsanitary living conditions for the workers and a low life expectancy.
84. (p.118)技術的改進並沒有使城市的生活條件改善。汽燈照明、自來水及地下水道系統建設,對工人的生活環境並沒有實際意義。
原文是:Urban living conditions did get better, however, with the introduction of gas lighting, piped water and underground sewage systems.
85. (p.118)工業革命使他們得到了益處,並對英國社會產生了深遠的影響。
原文是:with the Industrial Revolution as they gained political influence and greater access to goods.
86. (p.112)(p.118)隨後,一連串的打擊迫害接踵而至,哈格里夫被迫躲到鄉下去。一七七0年,他搬到了諾丁漢,在這裡取得了自己的專利。
原文是:The subsequent persecution was so bad that Hargreaves was forced to flee the county. He moved to Nottingham, where he obtain a patent for his jenny in 1770.
87. (p.121)用財政術語說,相當於一七00至一七五0年期間進口值的雙倍,而在一八一三至一八三三年間,棉織品的出口值就上昇了十五點五倍。
原文是:In financial terms, this equates to a doubling of export values between 1700 and 1750, while between 1813 and 1833 the value of cotton exports rose 15-and-a-half-fold.
88. (p.122)瓦特最重要的改進是增加汽缸,加大蒸汽功率,
原文是:Watt's greatest improvement, the addition of a separate vessel to condense the steam,
89. (p.118-119)(p.127)十九世紀五0年代,英國已經開放貿易,對本國和殖民地地區的貿易實行稅率優惠。這種策略一直維持到一九三二年。但英國仍是一個主要世界市場,一八五0年至一八七0年,英國和殖民地貿易是進口量百分之二十,出口量百分之三十,其餘百分之七十則以「自由貿易」之名與無優惠國做生意,如美國、中國、奧圖曼帝國和南美洲的原西班牙、葡萄牙殖民地。這樣引發的問題是:如果英國要與全世界做生意的話,為什麼還要保留昂貴的特權呢?答案是:保護國內生產,它至少要保留部分特別稅收的權利,也就是說:如果其他國家進行貿易制裁和提高關稅的話,國家就有權為大量的本國產品提供市場,大開綠燈。
原文是:The home and colonial markets were opened up to foreign trade, and by the 1850s Britain had a free trading empire, with all preferential duties in Britain and the colonies gone, a state of affairs that lasted up until 1932 (with a hiatus during the First World War). Yet the empire remained a major marketplace, and between 1850 and 1870 it provided 20 per cent of Britain's imports, while it took 30 per cent of Britain's exports. The remaining 70 per cent were accounted for by 'free trade' with non-empire countries such as the USA, China, the Ottoman empire and former colonies of Spain and Portugal in South America. This raises the question: if the whole world traded with Britain, why did it maintain an expensive empire? The answer, at least in part, is economic: if trade sanctions and tariffs were imposed by other countries, the empire still provided an unrestricted marketplace for the vast quantities of manufactured goods coming out of British factories.
90. (p.120)(p.127)一七八四年,第一艘北美運棉船來到了利物浦。海關官員認為:在這裡集中吞吐美國棉是可行的。因此,如果仍以「航海法」為據,棉花進口將成非法,港口生意將會清淡。
原文是:It was in 1784 that the first bale of American cotton arrived in Liverpool. Customs officials, thinking it impossible that cotton could have been produced in the United States, seized it, and since, under the terms of the Navigation Act, it was illegal import, it was left to decay on the quayside.
91. (p.129)若給某人一頭騾...他就只會趕著騾去馱棉花,就像放鵝的傻瓜只會跟著鵝奔向水池。
原文是:Given a man and a mule ... they will take to cotton as naturally as a gander and a goose to a pond.
gander 是公鵝。
92. (p.130)奴隸制度廢除後,南方的農場就以「收養」的方式繼續蓄奴。這裡土地貧瘠,需要大量的奴隸勞動,沒有奴隸血汗的滋潤,這裡的棉花不會生機蓬勃。
原文是:Another way that prohibition was avoided in the Old South was by 'breeding' salves on plantations where the soil was too impoverished for cotton growing.
(筆者按:「繁殖」奴隸在當時是的確有發生的,在筆者手上的另一本書「邪惡植物博覽會」中提到一中叫做黃蝴蝶的植物(peacock flower, Caesalpinia pulcherrima syn. Poinciana pulcherrima)在十八世紀的醫學文獻中記載,當時的女性奴隸為了不讓自己的孩子使蓄奴者更富裕,會使用黃蝴蝶這類的植物的種子自行墮胎(邪惡植物博覽會,p.129-131)。
93. (p.122)(p.130)人們讀到的這些農場生活方式或者工人們生活的景況,並不是中產階級生活的仔細描繪。
原文是:These give scant detail about the methods of the plantations or the lives of the workers, but concentrate instead on the niceties of middle-class colonial life.
94. (p.131)裝一碗菜湯,然後圍到桌子前與白人一起吃。
原文是:got it full of cabbage soup then we were allowed to go [to] the table where the white folks ate and get the crumbs from the table.
提到的是「the table where the white folks ate」,是說白人也會在那張桌子上吃飯,並沒有說跟白人一起吃飯。
95. (p.131)我被帶到田裡,為棉花苗和其他作物幼苗除草,本來這些工作是大人做的。因為我還太小,不會使用工具,所以就用手拔。
原文是:he was carried to the field to pull grass from the young cotton and other growing crops. this work was done by hand because he was still too young to use the farm implements.
96. 一個孩子穿著漂亮衣服,上鋼琴課,無拘無束、天真爛漫;另一個孩子卻得去除草,累得筋疲力竭,東倒西歪。
原文是:While one small child enjoyed a life of fine clothes, piano lessons and leisurely days, another was forced to pick cotton until he was close to collapse.
97. (p.128)(p.137)棉花在十九世紀的英國全球戰略中所起的作用如此巨大,令現代人費解。
原文是:The impact of cotton on the advancement of Britain to a position of global dominance in the 19th century cannot be understated.
是understate (低估),不是understand (理解)
98. (p.135)(p.144)他是揭起眼皮,把葉子放進眼睛,葉子掉了出來,落地處,兩棵茶樹破土而出,...
原文是:He ripped off his eyelids and cast them to the ground; where they fell, two tea trees sprang up with the miraculous power to keep him awake.
99. (p.137)(p.147) 茶葉沖泡後,茶色變濃,香氣溢出。
原文是:When acted upon by an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, polyphenols acquire a reddish colour and form the flavouring compound of the beverage.
所以應該是:經過茶多酚氧化酶(polyphenol oxidase)的作用後,茶多酚轉化為茶中帶紅色有味道的化合物。
100. (p.138)(p.147)栽種茶樹要在樹苗達一點五公尺高時移栽,行距一點五公尺,株距一公尺。
原文是:Tea bushes are planted about 5 ft (1.5 m) apart, in rows 3 ft (1 m) apart.
101. (p.141) (p.150)想想,每噸茶葉買進價只要一百英鎊,東印度公司能賺多少錢?這確實是一筆利潤豐厚,財源滾滾的好買賣,而這段時期,政府並未察覺茶葉稅收的遠景,也沒有以百分之一百一十九的高稅率徵收進口稅。
原文是:Considering that the Company was making £100 for each of the 375,000 tons of tea that was imported during the century, this was a very lucrative trade indeed. Neither were successive governments of the day slow to realize the potential tax revenue from tea, setting duty at an exorbitant 119 per cent.
p. 142
102. (p.151)人們認為,茶葉走私者之所以大有空間,乃是因為東印度公司合法進口的大量茶葉,僅滿足了英國市場茶葉需求的四分之一而已。
原文是:It has been calculated that tea smuggling became so widespread that, although the East India Company was importing huge quantities of tea legally, this made up only a quarter of the total amount of tea consumed in Britain.
103. (p.152)走私者的命運也各不相同,
原文是:Fatalities were not uncommon,
104. (p.152)五百公克的走私茶的價格是十先令六便士,
原文是:costing up to 10s 6d a pound in 1777,
105. (p.153)假如有人要給中國皇帝寫封信的話,說的話不一定好聽:
原文是:Assuming the form of a mocking letter to the Emperor of China, it pleads,
106. (p.154)以當時美洲的情況看,東海岸地區,特別是與英國政府限制政策有關的商業和工業,就十分討厭英國批發傷的影響。加勒比海地區的糖和菸草農場主們對他們要繳納的關稅也十分不以為然。
原文是:In the case of America, the eastern seaboard in particular associated British government with restrictions on commerce and industry, and disliked the influence of British merchants and Carribean sugar and tobacco planters in determining tariffs on their goods.
107. (p.144)(p.155)麻塞諸塞總督哈欽森更拒絕允許茶葉船返航。
原文是:In response, the Royal Governor of Massachusetts, Thomas Hutchinson, refused to allow the tea ships to return to England until the duty had been paid.
108. (p.145) (p.156)他小心謹慎,不願冒險,每次交易有微利即可。事實上,他常常是冒一半的險獲全部的利。
原文是:He required a minimum profit on each venture of 50 per cent, but in fact he often made 100 per cent.
109. (p.146)(p.156)使其可以重新武裝,為一八一二年的南北戰爭做好準備。
原文是:Girard, known as the 'gentle tea merchant', made important loans to the young American Government that enabled re-arming for the 1812 war.
南北戰爭(American Civil War)的時間點是由1861到1865,1812年並不是南北戰爭。
110. (p.158)人們完全忽視了茶樹的栽培和製作技術。
原文是:there was widespread ignorance about the plant's cultivation or processing techniques.
111. (p.158)有的是加樹皮、不知名的樹葉、鋸木屑、鐵屑、香灰甚至羊屎,各種五花八門的物品都曾被摻進茶葉中。
原文是:less palatable additions included bark, leaves from entirely different species, sawdust, iron filings, soot and the appealing 'smouch', a mix of ash leaf and sheep dung.
所以應該是:有的是加樹皮、不知名的樹葉、鋸木屑、鐵屑、香灰甚至是'smouch' - 一種樹葉與羊屎的混合物。
112. (p.148)(p.159)在印度的茶葉生產具體成形前,栽培實驗進行了十三年。最後的結果是,不僅土生土長的印度茶樹能夠人工栽培,而且來自中國的樹苗和種子也能在印度生長良好。
原文是:and it was a further 13 years before a concerted effort was made to establish a tea industry in India. In the event, it was not native Indian tea plants that were cultivated, but plants and seed acquired from the great tea-growing areas of China.
113. (p.149)(p.162)最驚心動魄的一次逃跑發生在他搭乘的船受到海盜船的攻擊,當時福瓊正發著高燒;還有兩次遭遇海盜,他用唯一的一把手槍單槍匹馬與他們對戰。
原文是:his most daring escape occurred when the bot upon which he was a passenger came under attack from a number of pirate vessels. Fortune, running a high fever, was twice forced to repel the pirate attacks single-handed, armed only with a 12-bore shotgun and pistols.
114. (p.151)(p.163)他的嚮導為他剃頭,那人刀法笨拙生硬,
原文是:had his head shaved - by his guide, who used a razor so blunt ...
115. (p.151)(p.163)當和尚的第一天晚上,
原文是:on his first night in disguise...
116. (p.164)他留在這裡繼續蒐集植物。
原文是:Indeed, Fortune indulged in a bit of 'freelancing' and continued to collect ornamental species.
117. (p.165)當地人相傳茶樹神聖不可接近,想採茶葉,只能朝猴子扔石頭,激怒猴子搖樹使茶葉落下。
原文是:He also heard the traditional story that in the areas where the tea shrubs were inaccessible, stones were thrown at the monkeys, who, angered, responded by throwing down branches - of tea.
118. (p.153) (p.166)第一次的運送沒有成功,因為茶樹的休眠期很短,
原文是:The first batch had not succeeded because tea seeds has a very short period of vitality...
119. (p.169)他證明自己是英國人,又用很恰當的理由解釋了自己繞大吉嶺山區和在錫金南部地區旅行的原因而獲得釋放。
原文是:, providing Britain with the perfect excuse to annex the southern part of Sikkim around Darjeeling.
120. (p.169)飆升了百分之八百三十七(從兩萬四千英鎊上升到二十多萬英鎊)。
原文是:...rose a staggering 837 per cent in 75 years between 1854 and 1929 (£24,000 to £20,087,000).
121. (p.158)(p.172)這足以說明為什麼茶葉最早是在藥店裡出售,價格昂貴,種類稀少。
原文是:which would explain why it was sold from an apothecary's shop, alongside costly and rare spices.
122. (p.172)由家裡的女主人親自管理,並有專人保管鑰匙,嚴防傭人偷竊。
原文是:over which the lady of the house maintained strict control and took personal charge of the key to prevent servants stealing the valuable contents.
123. (p.172)一六六0年,他的茶葉每五百克零售價是六英鎊至十英鎊。隨著茶葉品種的增多,喝茶的方式變多,對喝茶的各種爭論也熱鬧了起來。
原文是:In 1660 he was retailing tea at between £6 and £10 per pound (£13 and £22 per kilo). As with so many other new plant products, there rages a scholarly but heated debate about the pros and cons of tea consumption.
124. (p.160)(p.174)甚至在有些為人幫傭的人家,茶葉和糖的消費也成了常見生活開支的一部份。
原文是:Provision of tea and sugar even became part of some servants' terms of empolyment.
125. (p.162)(p.176)從此,拉丁美洲的大農場裡有了來自歐洲的植物,雖生機盎然卻顯得形單影隻。
原文是:This was the lone parent plant from which all of Latin America's great coffee planatations were to grow.