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圖片來源:wikipedia |
馬來西亞的人口約為3,142萬人,約為台灣的1.3倍;國土面積為三十三萬平方公里,約為台灣的9.1倍。首都為吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur),人口為720萬人,約為台北的85%;面積為2243.27平方公里,約為台北的1.96倍。吉隆坡的馬來文意為泥濘的河口,應該是因為該城位於鵝麥河與巴生河的交匯處而來;至於中文名稱可能有部分是來自 Lumpur 的音譯。
馬來西亞有大約一半是馬來人(50.1%),第一大外來民族是華人(22.6%),原住民有11.8% ,印度人佔 6.7%。除了早期因經商等原因陸續來到馬來西亞的華人以外,有相當比例的華人是在十八世紀英國殖民時期來採錫礦,後來因為英國需要人力開墾土地、種植橡膠而留下來的。
宗教上馬來西亞有 61.3% 的人口為遜尼派的伊斯蘭教徒(Sunni Islam),伊斯蘭教也是馬來西亞的國教。第二大宗教是佛教,約佔 19.8% 。基督教佔 9.2% , 6.2% 為印度教。
Malaysia declared independence at August 31, 1957. Singapore was part of Malaysia at that time but was expelled at August 9, 1965. The land area is separated by the South China Sea into two similarly sized regions, Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia (Malaysian Borneo, including Sarawak and Sabah). Its total landmass is 330,803 square kilometres, which is 9.1 times of Taiwan; the population is about 31.4 millions, which is about 1.3 time of Taiwan.
The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur (meaning "muddy confluence"). Its land area is 2243.27 square kilometres, which is almost twice of Taipei; the population is about 7,200 thousands, which is 85 percent of Taipei.
About half of the population is Malay, and the second largest ethnic group is Chinese (22.6%). Indigenous group is around one tenth of the population (11.8%). Some of the Chinese came to Malaysia during Ming Dynasty for commerce and other reasons. More of the Chinese came during British Colonial Period for work.
Almost two-third of the population is Sunni Islam (61.3%), which is the official religion in Malaysia. About one-fifth of the population is Buddhism (19.8%). Christian is about one-tenth (9.2%).
The official language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia but you can speak English there.
Both Malaysia and Indonesia are located around the Equator.
Wikipedia. Malaysia.
Happykingdom. 馬來西亞憶往地名篇